Privacy Policy
Security policy

Security policy, this is the policy of information, use and disclosure of the information you post on the "" website. To register on the site you need to specify the following information:

  • First and last name - to help you identify yourself correctly.
  • Address and phone number - to place an order at the correct address and contact you if necessary.
  • E-mail Email and Password - to log in and log in to your personal page.

Privacy Policy

The information you post on the website will not be shared with third parties without your permission, however, the company reserves the right to use the mobile number and e-mail address provided by you on the site to provide information about news, changes, discounts and various offers. We may also use this information to compile statistics or as a source of information for various studies that is not intended to make your personal information public.

Privacy and security

All information you post on your personal page is protected by the password and email you choose when registering. The administration of "" has the right to pass this information to law enforcement agencies, if required by applicable law.

Consent to the Security and Privacy Policy

When registering on the site or placing an order, you must read the terms and conditions of our website and agree to them in order to complete the registration or order, otherwise you will not receive the service.

Changes in security policy

"" - The administration has the right to change all points of the security policy at any time, and you must be informed about these changes by e-mail or directly on the website.

For more information please contact us

E-mail Email: [email protected]

Hotline: 595610007

Last updated: 17.11.2021

Product return policy

The product can be returned within 1 week of receipt, only if the product has not been opened, damaged or used.

Product return conditions

  • First you need to contact our hotline and state the reason for the product return.
  • To return, you need to present a check (order document) that was delivered to you when you purchased it.
  • In case you think the product has a factory defect, within 1 week of receiving the product, you should contact us on the hotline. Our company will check it and notify you of the answer within 3-5 working days.
  • If after considering the above criteria the company makes a decision to return the product, you have the right to both exchange the product and get a refund.
  • Refunds will be made by bank transfer to the customer's bank account within 2-3 business days.

Delivery service

Delivery throughout Tbilisi

  • The cost of delivery service throughout Tbilisi is 4 GEL
  • Delivery service is open from Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 20:00
  • Delivery takes place within 2 working days after placing the order.
  • You can use express order, which means delivery of the fixed order before 17:00 on the same working day, which costs 8 GEL.
  • If the total cost of the order is 200 GEL or more, the delivery service is free.
  • You can pay for the product either by using our bank card as a website, as well as by transferring money to the company's account or by receiving a parcel on the spot, both by plastic card and by cash. (You must indicate this information when placing an order)

Delivery throughout Georgia

When using delivery throughout Georgia, the cost of the product is paid only through an online bank account or by pre-transferring money to the company's account.

Georgian post

On the second working day after placing the order, the order is transferred to the Georgian Post, the average transportation time of which is 2-3 working days. To pick up the message, you must go to the relevant Georgian post office. You pay the shipping cost when receiving the parcel according to the weight of the shipment (average 8-15 GEL).