Caniverm Mite (oral tablets)
to treat the worm.
Manufacturer: Bioveta, a. s.
Manufacturer: Bioveta AS, Czech Republic
Composition: one tablet contains:
Fenbendazole - 150 mg
Pyrantel embonate - 144 mg
Praziquantel - 50 mg.
Target animals: dog and cat
Nematodes: toxocarosis, toxascaridiosis, uncinariasis, ankylostomosis, trichocephalosis.
Cestodoses: diphyllidiosis, diphyllobothriasis, echinococcosis, taeniidosis.
Pharmacological properties: Kaniverm is characterized by a broad antihelminthic action against nematodes and cestodes of dogs and cats.
Method of use and doses:
The drug is given to animals orally with food or by placing it on the base of the tongue. If we grind the tablet and make a suspension with water, it can be given to the animal with a syringe.
Deworming in puppies is carried out from 3 weeks to 12 weeks of age, once with an interval of 3 weeks, and then preventive deworming every 3 months;
For small dogs, puppies and cats: 1 tablet per 0.5-2 kg of live weight.
2 tablets per 2-5 kg of live weight
For large dogs and predators: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of live weight.
Side effects: not established.
Contraindications: the drug is not used during pregnancy.
The drug is not given with milk food.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry, dark and isolated place. Not more than 250C. Shelf life: 2 years.
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